Wednesday, August 10, 2011


He is so dang intgeresting, and that's precisely the right word. Mouthing it "Interesting".

He tore up a magazine, colored all over the walls and somehow found my bridal veil and put it on. He's not even 2 yet. Good grief!

Most importantly, he loves me. I tried to yell at him, but he folded his arms and started to pray. He knew I couldn't yell at him when he is doing that. so I came back to the computer and he wanted to sit on my lap and be all snuggly. He is sooooooo extremely fascinating. I love him, and THAT is what love is, in a ramble and a half.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

My story

When a door closes a window opens, huh? So, my new computer cannot be used to compose yet, so, I'm going to focus my extra time on writing a story.

It is about a girl who gets numerous anonymous messages on her answering machine. She figures it all out quickly. But keeps it to herself. She then over shares in an attempt to create a balance.

Sound interesting yet?

A little explanation is due

I write mostly because I love to go back years later and see/read what I was doing or thinking. I spend far too much time playing the game of nostalgia and far less actually living. That may be just a sign of age, oh well.

Monday, August 8, 2011

An album

I wrote the first song very quickly but, as time went on, I revisited the idea and though I like it, I needed to say something else, and I had a very cool melodic idea that just didn't work anywhere then it occured to me that I could tell a whole story sort of with an album or collection of songs intended to be grouped together.

Unlike oldschool songs the video will be part of the whole experience not just the brain fart of some stranger...