Sunday, September 29, 2013

music without words

I was finishing up season 5 of fringe and in it there is a character who does not speak, earlier he used empathy or emotions directly to communicate. It is one of the themes in all literature that it is our ability to feel that sets us apart as an evolutionary success. Still, in this show, like stargate, a super human is aimed for, poking at theories that the unused portion of our brains is latent incredible abilities (Heroes). In this show the emotional part is sacrificed to make more cognitive space, like a hard drive that is too full, certain parts must be removed in order to make space for more. This super thinking race comes to conquer the feeling humans, like Asimov or Dune or even Wall-e, it is assumed that thinking is superior in that it can conquer, but that is merely fiction. Wisely, it is begining to catch on that knowledge from reason alone can not be trusted, though it usually wins (Once Upon a Time ) In Fringe the bad guy who dominates is "smarter" but cannot feel. ok, the real thing I intended to say without all of the many side tracks is that the character who cannot speak uses music to communicate and I feel and understand it as well if not better or as sure as if he did use words. It was very powerful! just a tiny musicbox playing this tune:

I was rewriting the Harvard Music dictionary as a parody in college, for fun, and I created a new definition of Absolute music that had some truth like God whispering to a Pope through a bird, and those tunes became canonized and the basis for all music we have today.

This is one of the reasons I finally understand about why I love the ideas of Tal Bachman so much. I think he got it, if he doesn't anymore I am deeply sorry., it is like he represented the higher level of evolution that I sought myself. ok, that was preface for his song that instantly came to mind when I watched that scene on Fringe. I apologize that was the only of it I immediately find. The idea is that we do not need to be great thinkers with great words, this song talks about how be done, and we have all done it, without words. His given example is a loving look. we do not need to say, "I love you."  ok here are my references.

So, it is clear this idea has been going over and over in my head for years! I suppose this is just my attempt to jot it down and capture the bit I did grasp this time around.

Oh, oh, I just thought of something else,incidental music used in theater, scenes can be entirely changed by the music, is that a thought or feeling? I suggest it is both.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Worldwide classroom

Be careful what you teach because with WiFi your audience might be global.