Monday, December 24, 2012


This may be late in coming, but as I was looking for a blog classification to place my blossoming idea, I felt this particular blog needed a bit of a public disclaimer or definition.

Information contained here is interesting flashes of insight, though the interest is likely just my own, and I felt a need to inform the casual reader that they need not gleen this information in hopes of finding that ever so interesting factoid or what not.

Though, it may not be interesting to the reader, my intent was to capture points of interest to me, I got this idea from one that struck me as particularly fascinating, actually two combined, as that is what I do.  The two thoughts were: I only know what I like. And, no matter what you say, someone will find a soulmate and declare "me too!". With those in mind, perhaps my blog is an attempt to make the world a tad less lonely.

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