Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Letter from prison

I love how things are said by saying that it goes with out saying. But, my mind wandered to many a recorded imprisonment of righteous men and how always such profound words are shared. Though too many are thought of, I will mention Alma and Amulek, who seemed hopefully bound in prison, but the prison could literally not hold them as it fell down around them, but the most applicable teaching was when the question was posed why did they not help the other saints who were being murdered for their faith. Alma profoundly taught that every man wicked or Holy needed to use his agency to rightfully deserve his just end, so both the wicked and the righteous must be allowed to do what they would. To me it clicked and I realized that although I think I know what I would do, just look at Peter. He had to be allowed to do and his unintended mistake allowed him to better appreciate and understand the atonement... Ramble, ramble... Ok back on track.

I was reading tranacriptions of the actual letters written by Joseph Smith, spelling not corrected, and I thought of how real and easy to understand his situation was. The whole thing was not so far removed. I got the same feeling when touring the Church History Museum and seeing actual things that this man had used.
The most significant is how I could contrast him with a typical perspon today and see how inadequate he would seem, instead of the high pirch I placed him on. It reminded me how a man does not necessarily need to be so well read or refined of speech or even brilliant to be the mouthpiece of the Lord. I wondered at first how Emma would have anything to do with him when previously, I had always supposed her fortunate to be graced to even know him. But, it concluded again with my thought that once again, the Lord qualifies those he chooses not choses who is best qualified.

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