Monday, August 29, 2016

If they are determined...

“It is our great desire that members of the Church will live to be worthy of a temple recommend. Please don’t see the temple as some distant and perhaps unachievable goal. Working with their bishop, most members can achieve all righteous requirements in a relatively short period of time if they have a determination to qualify and fully repent of transgressions. This includes being willing to forgive ourselves and not focus on our imperfections or sins as disqualifying us from ever entering a sacred temple.


“Brothers and sisters, I pray that each of us will honor the Savior and make any necessary changes to see ourselves in His sacred temples. In doing so, we can accomplish His holy purposes and prepare ourselves and our families for all the blessings the Lord and His Church can bestow in this life and eternity.”

(Elder Quentin L. Cook of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, “See Yourself in the Temple,” Ensign, May 2016, 98–99.)

Friday, August 19, 2016

Ears are ringing, pc's Pinging...

Slower with more memory to process...

Necessary Faith

It struck me at an important time in my development when I saw a video of arguing pastors. One calimed that miracles are one of the less necessary things in our day.

Maybe, that was a popularly held belief or just an interpretation, I cannot say. I have noticed though how it seemed more miracles happened in the past, perhaps that is because only fantastic events were recorded, or because my key to a past world is the Bible, which is a bit skewed and not an actual representation of life for every human on earth.

So, as I considered miracles, I thought it was just a thing evident because of exceeding great faith and that if seen properly, everything nearly is a miracle, like the billion and one coincidences that lead to things being the way they are, the fact that you are reading this, for example, is sort of a miracle...I am just some random woman typing out her thoughts one morning as she procrastinates tatting a large cloth...but, let me state my point and then I will be gone.

I think it is not as that pastor claimed that we are of such great learning today that we do not need prophets and miracles, but our need and the occurance has not lessened at all, but the potential for miracles has drastically increased because we are being given the opportunity to develop into the faith we want to be judged as having.

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Interesting things

Red hair is a lack of pigment, sort of hiw pink eyes indicate an albino.

my husband was almost entirely recessive and so was I. It was almost certain what traits our children would have.

My doctor told me that in the entire global population only 7% have the blood type of O- which we both had. Strange.

Today I learned a fact that Joseph who was sold into Egypt had red hair and loght skin. We know that Essau had red hair, and I know that many of my Scottish ancesters did to the point that Robert McGregor was commonly called Robert the Red or Rob Roi...Rob Roy McGregor. It is also no secret that my lineage is from Joseph, but I had always assumed that I was adopted into that line, but I wonder if I am a literal descendent... my ex husband was actually blonde, but he had Red facial hair and often claimed that he uncanningly resembled Vincent Van Gough in appearance, well, that and when he saw photos of me and my brother he said he did not remember being there. He looked alot like my younger brother, who has a son of the same age as ours and even my other kids say they look like twins.

They both have Gaelic names...just fun stuff to dwell on.

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Keep in mind

During the creation the garden did not exist. I always assumed the whole earth was sort of idealic, but if the went into the dreary world, it must not have been, and in Gen 2. After all else was created then the Garden of Eden was created. So, more was going on than I supposed. So, the Tree of knowledge existed or was replanted in the Garden? And Lucifer knew about it already somehow, so clearly more was commonly known that I supposed.

Always something there...

I was watching a documentary about donosaurs that resulted in new nueral pathways. I saw a guy with a thick accent, and his features seemed familiar.

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Lazy FHE means...

Wouldn't you know that the one post I feel matters would be lost?

Oh well. It was to say, in short, that times when I did very little to nothing are the times my kids will recall for years to come.

Like last night when we turned the living room into a theater and gave pop corn, soda, and candy while they actually sat for over 2 hours.

It is likely more was learned than I ever taught, but it does not mean I will stop trying, just that I noticed that not trying is good, too.