Thursday, August 18, 2016

Interesting things

Red hair is a lack of pigment, sort of hiw pink eyes indicate an albino.

my husband was almost entirely recessive and so was I. It was almost certain what traits our children would have.

My doctor told me that in the entire global population only 7% have the blood type of O- which we both had. Strange.

Today I learned a fact that Joseph who was sold into Egypt had red hair and loght skin. We know that Essau had red hair, and I know that many of my Scottish ancesters did to the point that Robert McGregor was commonly called Robert the Red or Rob Roi...Rob Roy McGregor. It is also no secret that my lineage is from Joseph, but I had always assumed that I was adopted into that line, but I wonder if I am a literal descendent... my ex husband was actually blonde, but he had Red facial hair and often claimed that he uncanningly resembled Vincent Van Gough in appearance, well, that and when he saw photos of me and my brother he said he did not remember being there. He looked alot like my younger brother, who has a son of the same age as ours and even my other kids say they look like twins.

They both have Gaelic names...just fun stuff to dwell on.

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