This is sure to be unrelated to anything, and a sure sign that I am getting old, my t houghts, andd dreams even, are of tatting.
I have thought it many times, but it is the sort of thing one gains through experience over time and it is considered common sense, but Tatting is all about matching the right needle with the right medium (thread). So many times I nearly gave up thinking I was a flop and unable to tat worth a flip because no matter how I tried, I could not match the images that my pattern suggested would be the end result, only to find that it was not my technique, but a matter of the wrong needle!
This morning, i decided to tat all-purpose thread, it was so teensy I decided the finest or smallest needle would work, cause the needle I was using kept getting stuck. I figured the eye of the needle was too large to slide the knots off.
Then, I tried sohard to even see the eye to thread it, but ended up needing to ask my aughter to thread it for me. The pressure was on,I would not ask her to come rethread the needle each failed attempt. But, I failed, I assumed it was a knot in the string coming off the needle or that the doubled up thread made it too large, either way, I struggle with it and pulled...when the needle snapped! That's it. I pulled out the scissors and pulled of the excess thread and threw it away, but as I was taking the broken needle back I thought, "So, that's it, huh/ Why not try the next size up?" couldn't hurt, although, it made no sense, if the needle was too large and was smaller, the next size would be larger. I tried it, and could actually t hread it, myself! And tmy amazement, it slid right off and looked great!!! Perhaps, I made the stitches a bit less tight, so I thought, "This willnot work, it would be like having a constant caveat, tat carefully or you'll knot up." So, for the heck of it,I tatted as tightly as i could and it still slid off nicely. So, it is once again, a matter of matching the Needle to the thread.
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