Monday, January 3, 2022


Warning: this will most likey be the most useless thought that I have ever shared. as I was watching a video where a cleaning ritual took place, I got all thoughtful and stuff. Each person cupped up water as a basin traveled from person to persn. I first thought, hmm, it must be a honor to be first, because after like the third or furth person I actually cringed at the thought of using water that was left over from previous users... they would swish water in theuir mouths and blow their noses in this "cleaning" basin, and at first I thought how wonderful they are exposing how such filfthy men kept themselves cleanish...which always is a thing I wondered about. but as I was being grossed out I thought a rebuking thought, "Yeah, well, it is not lke bathing in shared water." Admitedly, baths had always upset me, most of all hair washing. that was a thing that ought not even be attempted unless showering. I think of all of the gross dirt and oils in the water, and it makes no sense that you had previously washed your body in the same water, ok, ok, but this thought was referring more to how unhytgenic it is to swim with others, but we use chlorine, and take showers before swimming. " oh, you do, do you?" the thought chidded, and suddenly the Icelandic way of pre-swim showering nude made more sense, and I topped that thought off with the memory of Moana saying, "... Fish pee in you all day..." or how divers stay warm in semidry suits by peeing in the suit. I have actually doe it, and I dare to be grossed out by this communal basin ritual?

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