Monday, December 16, 2013


This is not about sexy romantic stuff, but real love, the others are outlets. Love is so powerful, it exhausts the physical body. In the usual vernacular we love many things or aspects of things, but what do we mean. I pose that it is impossible to know because the word means too many things.

I have found words stringed together expressed by, oh fooey!

I am in love. I am afraid to say that because of context but it is so much easier, and I just have to say so, though I do not want to say who until I decide how, and can be sure it will be understood.

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Then what?

So, maybe you found me, and maybe you won. Now what?

Do you envision the greatest upset in the history of the universe or something? Are you expecting everyone to be poor sports? Well, such thoughts make me reconsider. You need a better end game. it is as weak as your start, and then you pretend that was how you intended it. Well, I know a bit about human nature that you don't.

I love doughnuts because I cannot eat them all of the time.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Eavesdropping elephants

I just heard someone say, "No one told us that it would not be fun after we retire, it was assumed and is a huge surprise."

Well, no I will not be released although the other I was called with has been released now and I have been serving for over 9 years.  Now it is time to let someone else deal with this mess.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Letter from prison

I love how things are said by saying that it goes with out saying. But, my mind wandered to many a recorded imprisonment of righteous men and how always such profound words are shared. Though too many are thought of, I will mention Alma and Amulek, who seemed hopefully bound in prison, but the prison could literally not hold them as it fell down around them, but the most applicable teaching was when the question was posed why did they not help the other saints who were being murdered for their faith. Alma profoundly taught that every man wicked or Holy needed to use his agency to rightfully deserve his just end, so both the wicked and the righteous must be allowed to do what they would. To me it clicked and I realized that although I think I know what I would do, just look at Peter. He had to be allowed to do and his unintended mistake allowed him to better appreciate and understand the atonement... Ramble, ramble... Ok back on track.

I was reading tranacriptions of the actual letters written by Joseph Smith, spelling not corrected, and I thought of how real and easy to understand his situation was. The whole thing was not so far removed. I got the same feeling when touring the Church History Museum and seeing actual things that this man had used.
The most significant is how I could contrast him with a typical perspon today and see how inadequate he would seem, instead of the high pirch I placed him on. It reminded me how a man does not necessarily need to be so well read or refined of speech or even brilliant to be the mouthpiece of the Lord. I wondered at first how Emma would have anything to do with him when previously, I had always supposed her fortunate to be graced to even know him. But, it concluded again with my thought that once again, the Lord qualifies those he chooses not choses who is best qualified.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013


I figured something out! Unintentionally, though we hardly discredit Newton just because he didn't intend for an apple to fall on his head., What was he doing under an apple tree anyway? hmmm.

So anyway, I want to keep this brief and to the point. hahaha, yeah right! Well, that is what I want. filler, filler, filler....I was thinking about how we perceive things, well, not really pondering just touching the subject while I did my monotonous morning things. And it was so simple, I bet someone else already thought it (It's all been done, eh?) I was thinking of a picture of two strawberries of two colors and though we cannot know what you perceive, we can know what you do not perceive! If I saw two strawberries that otherwise appeared the same but the color I could point to the one I called red and say the other one was green (two witness sort of proof here) And ofcourse you would agree because you call the same thing red as I do, but these are only pictures, then I would compare to an actual strawberry not using color names but ask which of those two pictures resembled the actual color. If you pointed at the red one then I knew that you did not perceive the word/color green as red is to me. and this could be done with each adjective until we knew that our words were comunicating the same thing in an other's mind as what we were thinking.

Ok, got to get back to work. blech, but time waits not for me to play on the computer, eventually my luck will run out and tiny people will demand sustenance.

Sunday, September 29, 2013

music without words

I was finishing up season 5 of fringe and in it there is a character who does not speak, earlier he used empathy or emotions directly to communicate. It is one of the themes in all literature that it is our ability to feel that sets us apart as an evolutionary success. Still, in this show, like stargate, a super human is aimed for, poking at theories that the unused portion of our brains is latent incredible abilities (Heroes). In this show the emotional part is sacrificed to make more cognitive space, like a hard drive that is too full, certain parts must be removed in order to make space for more. This super thinking race comes to conquer the feeling humans, like Asimov or Dune or even Wall-e, it is assumed that thinking is superior in that it can conquer, but that is merely fiction. Wisely, it is begining to catch on that knowledge from reason alone can not be trusted, though it usually wins (Once Upon a Time ) In Fringe the bad guy who dominates is "smarter" but cannot feel. ok, the real thing I intended to say without all of the many side tracks is that the character who cannot speak uses music to communicate and I feel and understand it as well if not better or as sure as if he did use words. It was very powerful! just a tiny musicbox playing this tune:

I was rewriting the Harvard Music dictionary as a parody in college, for fun, and I created a new definition of Absolute music that had some truth like God whispering to a Pope through a bird, and those tunes became canonized and the basis for all music we have today.

This is one of the reasons I finally understand about why I love the ideas of Tal Bachman so much. I think he got it, if he doesn't anymore I am deeply sorry., it is like he represented the higher level of evolution that I sought myself. ok, that was preface for his song that instantly came to mind when I watched that scene on Fringe. I apologize that was the only of it I immediately find. The idea is that we do not need to be great thinkers with great words, this song talks about how be done, and we have all done it, without words. His given example is a loving look. we do not need to say, "I love you."  ok here are my references.

So, it is clear this idea has been going over and over in my head for years! I suppose this is just my attempt to jot it down and capture the bit I did grasp this time around.

Oh, oh, I just thought of something else,incidental music used in theater, scenes can be entirely changed by the music, is that a thought or feeling? I suggest it is both.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Worldwide classroom

Be careful what you teach because with WiFi your audience might be global.

Friday, August 30, 2013

How will I be remembered?

I was wondering about how I appear, I mean really appear. It seems that being precious is rare, but does that apply to eternal life? On earth, being desirable seems to be the goal, but does it actually even come close to real beauty? Attractive women are a dime a dozen, if someone were seeking that I would think it would not be too hard to find and keep, but, what really more than appears desirable?

I will end with lyrics to a song I wrote for a RM guy who 7 years post mission he was still not married. I think he was smart and his current wife and he will be all the happier for his enduring and clinging to something eternal that only included being attractive physically. Here is the chorus:

what's 7 years to forever,
If forever I had to live without you?

It was actually written for Jacob and Rachel when he waa fooled into working 7 years for Leah and 7 more for Rachel.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013


I just realized that my inability to discern what is obvious to others makes me look stupid, but really gives me a unique perspective that ought to be considered.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Just on my mind

This is interesting in that it unearths other things that thought they were forever burried and insignificant.

I had never even thought about money as being a trait. And I thought that those who did were less righteous. I had quoted the snide and rude comment, "you can buy anything in this world with money." And that movie my older brother watched and rewatched must'be been a favorite, "Can't Buy Me Love" so duh, everyone considers the love of money an evil thing. It would be worse to call someone a money lover than a whore.

Then, and this is the.part I want to comment on, guys always say that women are only interested in Money. I think that is unfair! After seeing the successful marriages vs. Ones that didn't work, most cases, not all, marriages cannot handle the stress and the relationship buckles under the strain of needing, not just wanting, things. When the man enters a marriage partly it is assumed that he will provide for and protect his family. So, I think there are more attributes for a person that deal with his ability to provide than attributes of carachter. But, really, mone is just a more visible, or measureable way to determine someone's "worth".

The last thing that took me a while to comprehend. I have no engagement ring and only have wedding bands after the fact or consideration. My dad used to tell me that it showed someone's devotion, by how hard of a sacrifice they would make for the winning of the affection of the one they loved. I just wanted to toss and "uncomfortable" payments, when actually that would have been just the thing to measure comittment or ability to provide.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Parenthood teaches

Of the things parenthood teaches today I learned more about why we had to leave God. I noticed that my kids behave a do everything right when I am there, but if I leave them for a second alone, they go crazy doing everything I tell them not to do. So, *sigh* I punish them, which honestly hurts,me more than it hurts them!

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

A tid bit I do not want to forget

In my do over, I realized that I made a mistake again, and both times it was because I refused to believe in something better than good.

So, realizing that changes nothing., I would not be that brave, I know.

We all do it. We give up what we could have because what we have is already good. And it actually it makes good sense kinda. Like in black jack or any risk taking prospect.

Brain Storm

Humility. Good idea.

This is another outrage caused by realizations formed due to watching Stargate Atlantis.

I have related to Rodney McKay, especially his angst at being mistaken in this episode. Then, as I was thinking about how brilliant the show was and it was canceled, ofcourse, an obvious parallel. Almost everything I love is almost purposely ignored. Those thoughts made me wonder what would be loved by most? And eventually I realized that maybe the writers thought the show would appeal to a lot of people. Maybe it would and that is precisely why the show was canceled. There is a line regarding such an occurance when the  head of Atlantis was ranting about being reviewed by another clueless agency. The snide comment was, "I am likely going to be a product of my own success."

I just now see how venting about the IOA was a way to vent about the mass of fools with the buying power that make the descisions. All artists have.something to say or they would be doing something more obviously useful, like making shoes (from Anonymous the movie).

Wednesday, February 27, 2013


Is it supposed to be terrifying to accept things?

I like my training wheels, but love riding the bike actually. This is a metaphor.

I read it somewhere where someone put my thought so eloquently. That in regards the Tao Te Ching, to hear it they realized that it only encompasses and accentuates everything they already believed.

Monday, January 28, 2013

Are you paranoid, yet?

This has all been a big scam, even if you turn off your computer and leave the country there is a nano camera in your eyebrow, if you see it, we see it!

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Can you pinpoint it?

This question prompts some interesting answers. When did Jesus figure out who he was?