Tuesday, December 5, 2023

oðinn's ravens

It started when I fell asleep last night, but I continued thinking about them in my dreams and when I woke up, instead of thinking about trying to rewrite an old folksong I found last night as I planned, I felt like I needed to watch "It's a Wonderful Life". It would be perfect, cause it is Christmas time, my son had his concert  then a parade last night, and we decorated a gingerbread house, but as I watched it, I saw my subconscious thought landing on Uncle Billy's arm and I had never even noticed it before. I guess so much of what we observe our awareness masks. I recall in the hospital to measure my attentiveness or wellness or something the would ask questions like who is the president, it was George Bush, and so then they asked, which one, and the conversation twisted to becoming a time for me to recite the presidents of the United States in order since the country's begining. I did not even know that I knew things like that, nor do I actually remember even reciting that, but I do recall being told that I did that. Likewise, I had a two hour history lecture right after lunch and I regularly fell asleep 😴.  So, I started recording the class so I could study properly, and to my amazement, during a recording I started answering questions that the professor had asked rhetorically and then continued a conversation with her, non of which do I even recall. That brings me full circle to munginn...I think

Friday, October 27, 2023


Maybe King Authur is Shakespeare. 

Interesting that there are kings and then High Kings. And pendragon translates as pen = High and Dragon = king

Thursday, September 14, 2023


Interesting thing I learned this morning:

The Greek word translated in one context was  "Atone" another "reconciled".

Roman's 5 and
2 Corinthians 5

Wednesday, April 19, 2023

skallagrim and MacMillian/Mullen relationship

In researching information which I figured was merely a matter of time before it was removed due to unreliability, anyhow, I was looking to see if today might be the day I uncovered more about who Sarah Jane Humphrey McMillian was and instead I found a very interesting read that suggested the surname MacMillan son of Millan could be Celtic for "Mhaoilavin" or bald one and it was immediately interesting to me that Skallagrimson is also similarly translated. And it is funny to me that my mother's side of the family are bald, though she isn't... but, it is her family that comes from both Scotland and Iceland, while my father is German/Swedish so I always tried to trace my Icelandic heritage through his Scandinavian side (it makes reasonable sense and sorta works) but perhaps only to me, the likeness of the surnames provides more support to the idea that my mother is only deceptively Scottish but lent me more of what I consider my Norwegian heritage, not my vikingish dad with his Scandinavian teachings.

Lastly, it was also my assumption that the McMullens were all originally from Ireland, and the McMillans just got separated and started talking differently... it is like how I found Anderson ancestors in a census record as Hendersons and a woman born as an Erickson was listed in a census record as Margaret Cerricks. I think no matter how well-meaning those record takers were "or the indexers" a little leeway must be granted for spellings of names...like Babcock and Badcocke. 

As I was reading this one more time, my toes aren't shriveled up in the bath yet". I wanted to share a cool story about Surnames. I had been trying really hard to find out more about this chick from Sweden/Gotaland.  And at the time I was in a conversation with a woman with the same surname. And long story short, she told me that her husband's family was outlawed to America and so they just picked a name out of a hat (like the Durbevilles from the movie "Tess") so, she wasn't even related by marriage though she had the right surname. Interesting, huh? Makes you wonder how much of written Geneaologies are made up for one reason or another and might not match at all with our DNA.

Friday, April 7, 2023

just a thought

Mycelium networks had been likened to things like the internet, as a way to communicate over long distance. In the movie "first contact" the ide is explored how difficult it is to reveal things beyond one's understanding. I was just thinking about how many things the internet makes possible that could not have been understood in a primitive (not stupid, merely ignorant)society.

I just heard a story of a myth explained in a way that made my understanding comprehend things in a way I would not have otherwise understood. Our "End"is always hard to explain, except in a story, cause they have ends.

Friday, January 6, 2023

found this and the humanness of it made me laugh

Brief Life History
Sachem Tashtassuck could find no one in his tribes worthy to marry his son or daughter, so he had them marry each other.

Tastasnuck ? Sachem ( Sachem )
Birthdate: circa 1475
Birthplace: Of, Rhode Island, United States
Immediate Family: 
Husband of (Unknown)
Father of Wessonsuoum Narragansett