Sunday, December 25, 2016

Fascinating stuff

It had been so close to coming out in a question anytime a class discussed how the sins of a parent could be passed on to a child, this troubles me as a Mormon because" We believe that man must be punished for his own sins... " but, clearly, we all are inheriting more than our physical bodies from Adam and Eve.

Then, there was always the whole "Nature vs. Nurture" debate, which I solved within myself by allowing them to "agree to disagree" or inderstanding them both to play a part on development. And as a member of the LDS religious organizatiom, I accepted responsibility for the things I inherited, by birth. Huh?

Ok, yesterday, I was talking to a very wise woman who agreed that our conversations naturally carry alot of "back story" that makes external conversation difficult. So, here is a bit of backstory to aide in understanding my otherwise cryptic speech, a cipher maybe, ok...

We believe that we existed before we were ever born. In this existence, we were much as we are now, only we had spiritual bodies, and noticed that not everyone did, and so we wanted a body, too, but, more than that, we wanted to continue progressing. A plan was devised to help us reach this goal, and that lead to birth, redemption.

Altight, so now you are suredly on the same page, and realize what I mean by expressing a responsibility for the situations I inherited as a babe. Because, in order to accept a physical body, which takes a top priority, I agreed to the justice of inheriting more than genes.

I also believe in justice and this is the foundationsl assertion for so many things considered faith. In this case, it explains how it could in any way be fair to be born into situations that seem hopeless in comparison, or as in a Barbie movie two seeming indentical girls and one is born to debt and poverty while the other is a princess, this demonstrates that an apparent cruelty to an undeserving baby is actually an evidence that there must,be a God, and all spirits inherit more than just their body because they existed before their birth, so this fancy footwork explains how a person could appear to inherit the sins of their fathers, and how any blameless one could inherit any sin through birth, which is necessary to understand for any Christian.

This is one of the beautiful this Latter-day Saints believe, ", believe that through the atonement of Christ, all mankind can be saved.... "

I feel like the C.S.Lewis of Mormonism giving hard earned ( but easy) answers/conclusions to difficult questions, but I stop here and refer you to Mormon.Org if you have any further questions about transgenerational inhereitance and it's place in Mormonism. Suffice it to say, it does despite first impressions fit nicely if you are inclined to consider what look like initial contradictions.

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Strange to be glad

I am glad, and it is strange, and sort of unearthly, but I am gappy to never be noticed. It is almost like it defies explination that I go unnoticed, but I am so glad for it, honestly. I saw a video about 10 years ago where two people left a building in an empty lot. They were twins. The first went unnoticed, the seccond had a desire to be flamboyant and as he exited the building a huge flock of sea gulls descended on him in his outlandish fruit hat. A conclusion of the video was this message: be careful in drawing attention, it does not always work out well for us.

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Good songs

After reviewing many of my own songs written so long ago as to not be instantly recognizeable as to what I was thinking, I realized something.

Maybe I was a good song writer because I could not express myself. Because, I was not able to follow the thought I had, I applied what I said to what I was currently thinking and thought, brilliant! Although, at the time I "meant" no such thing, It feels like I wrote about what I got out of it. So, maybe good songs and poetry are the ones that capture a relationship's dynamics and yet remain vague enough to apply to anything the audience thinks up. Thus, each reader independantly thinks the words were  written precisely for their situation, and appeal can reach greater numbers.

Everything I write is like that, and I was working on fixing it.I was working on trying to say exactly what *I* was thinking. Instead of being "cryptic" I could be "concise". Usually, I just am writing as I think only my fingers cannot keep up so I have to see what I was saying and that generates a new thought, sort of a tangent from the original until the original is forgotten in written words and a new meaning takes shape in my songs, peobably entirely unlike what I started to write in the first place.

I remember in English class in high school (Elkhart Central) a teacher sort of disected a song as a piece of literature. It was by the walking dead I believe all I remember is that it made no sense at first, but that was the charm. It called out for instrumental help and we had to actually study it out, for surely the writer had something worth saying. This was quite influencial to me cause I thought, "hmm. This is what the kids like? Well, anyone can say things without making sense." As we delved into it one peer asked, " how we knew that was what it was about, maybe it just said something backwards. Another answered and said, "Yeah, It doesn't seem any different than those poems that you tell us means something, but how do we know? The teacher explained that was precisely her point. I thought it was that songs are nothing without music, but she taught us that poetry and lyrics have meanings and they are worth our time to figure out.

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

That was odd, is it me?

I was listening to a song that facilitated the best realization ever, but I did not like the song? What is music for?

Regardless, family life gives us the chance to really love. The more we love the more we understand God. Surely, I could do nothing, but he did it first. I learned that from Brigham Young, not face to face, mind you.

Sometimes people earn the right to suffer, it is what they want, so maybe it is not suffering at all, living as we expect might actually cause more of their kind of suffering.

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

No relevance to anything

I was thinking alot about a paper I wrote for a philosphy class, years ago,  and how strange it must have been for the teacher to consider what I crudely argued. It was supposed to be a research paper on Blaise Pascal's proof for the evidence of God. I, instead wrote my own proof, asking permission beforehand. My assertion was that there must be a God if we believe in justice. I also asserted that it was reasonable to believe such. I used a few supporting arguments which were easy and plain where justice was not evident in this life, so it must exist after mortality. Yeah, from there quite a journey of thought is pilgrimed before ending up comfortably accepting that because sonethings exist beyond what we percieve there was a God behind it all,  but I was young and fearless. I think I lacked so much of that disabling inhibition so I dared to say things  I never would except to my kids.

Monday, August 29, 2016

If they are determined...

“It is our great desire that members of the Church will live to be worthy of a temple recommend. Please don’t see the temple as some distant and perhaps unachievable goal. Working with their bishop, most members can achieve all righteous requirements in a relatively short period of time if they have a determination to qualify and fully repent of transgressions. This includes being willing to forgive ourselves and not focus on our imperfections or sins as disqualifying us from ever entering a sacred temple.


“Brothers and sisters, I pray that each of us will honor the Savior and make any necessary changes to see ourselves in His sacred temples. In doing so, we can accomplish His holy purposes and prepare ourselves and our families for all the blessings the Lord and His Church can bestow in this life and eternity.”

(Elder Quentin L. Cook of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, “See Yourself in the Temple,” Ensign, May 2016, 98–99.)

Friday, August 19, 2016

Ears are ringing, pc's Pinging...

Slower with more memory to process...

Necessary Faith

It struck me at an important time in my development when I saw a video of arguing pastors. One calimed that miracles are one of the less necessary things in our day.

Maybe, that was a popularly held belief or just an interpretation, I cannot say. I have noticed though how it seemed more miracles happened in the past, perhaps that is because only fantastic events were recorded, or because my key to a past world is the Bible, which is a bit skewed and not an actual representation of life for every human on earth.

So, as I considered miracles, I thought it was just a thing evident because of exceeding great faith and that if seen properly, everything nearly is a miracle, like the billion and one coincidences that lead to things being the way they are, the fact that you are reading this, for example, is sort of a miracle...I am just some random woman typing out her thoughts one morning as she procrastinates tatting a large cloth...but, let me state my point and then I will be gone.

I think it is not as that pastor claimed that we are of such great learning today that we do not need prophets and miracles, but our need and the occurance has not lessened at all, but the potential for miracles has drastically increased because we are being given the opportunity to develop into the faith we want to be judged as having.

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Interesting things

Red hair is a lack of pigment, sort of hiw pink eyes indicate an albino.

my husband was almost entirely recessive and so was I. It was almost certain what traits our children would have.

My doctor told me that in the entire global population only 7% have the blood type of O- which we both had. Strange.

Today I learned a fact that Joseph who was sold into Egypt had red hair and loght skin. We know that Essau had red hair, and I know that many of my Scottish ancesters did to the point that Robert McGregor was commonly called Robert the Red or Rob Roi...Rob Roy McGregor. It is also no secret that my lineage is from Joseph, but I had always assumed that I was adopted into that line, but I wonder if I am a literal descendent... my ex husband was actually blonde, but he had Red facial hair and often claimed that he uncanningly resembled Vincent Van Gough in appearance, well, that and when he saw photos of me and my brother he said he did not remember being there. He looked alot like my younger brother, who has a son of the same age as ours and even my other kids say they look like twins.

They both have Gaelic names...just fun stuff to dwell on.

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Keep in mind

During the creation the garden did not exist. I always assumed the whole earth was sort of idealic, but if the went into the dreary world, it must not have been, and in Gen 2. After all else was created then the Garden of Eden was created. So, more was going on than I supposed. So, the Tree of knowledge existed or was replanted in the Garden? And Lucifer knew about it already somehow, so clearly more was commonly known that I supposed.

Always something there...

I was watching a documentary about donosaurs that resulted in new nueral pathways. I saw a guy with a thick accent, and his features seemed familiar.

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Lazy FHE means...

Wouldn't you know that the one post I feel matters would be lost?

Oh well. It was to say, in short, that times when I did very little to nothing are the times my kids will recall for years to come.

Like last night when we turned the living room into a theater and gave pop corn, soda, and candy while they actually sat for over 2 hours.

It is likely more was learned than I ever taught, but it does not mean I will stop trying, just that I noticed that not trying is good, too.

Friday, May 20, 2016

Why Beer makes you smarter

I just read this and thought it really was something wasted on me and so it ought to be shared:

     "A herd of buffalo can only move as.    
      fast as the slowest buffalo.

      When the herd is hunted, it is the.      
       slowest and weakest ones at the back
       that are killed first.

       This natural selection is good for the
       herd as a whole, because the general
       speed and health of the whole group.  
       keeps improving by the regular killing
       of the weakest members.

       In much the same way, the human
       brain can only operate as fast as the
       slowest brain cells.

       Excessive intake of alcohol, as we all
       know, kills brain cells, but naturally it
       attacks the slowest and weakest brain
       cells first.

       In this way, regular consumption of
       beer eliminates the weaker brain cells,
       making the brain a faster and more
       efficient machine.

       That's why you always feel smarter
       after a few beers".


Thursday, April 28, 2016

Rice chex

I made the best cookies last night!!!

Sugar,free, and, get this, Flour free! (I think) I made flour out of Rice Chex, so it may have flour in it, but the idea was to not use flour. I used a cup of oats for one of the cups of flour, too. I need a name for them.

I would call them guilt free, but they are still heavy on the butter and eggs, which concern many others a lot, just not me, so in my book I will call them gulit free but I need a name which they shall be known as publicly. ;) I totally adapted that from a line from the movie Dune. Where they give Paul Atredis his new names.

The oven broke, so I had to bake them in my toaster oven. But, this oven has broken nearly once a year since we moved here. I thought it was me spilling pie filling or something, but this time there was no culprit, just a faulty heating element. Strange thing is, all I think we might be fixing is symptoms, but actually missing some real trouble.

Monday, April 11, 2016


When love breaks all it takes is a little trying.

Interesting, huh?


This morning, I am thinking alot about bodies. And how we need to get over thinking about them. There are better things waiting to be considered, so why do we focus on this? My best guess is that it is like trying to use your brain to fix itself. We have bodies and they think of things in terms of being.

It is the people who were excessively thin when it mattered to anyone that are slim as we age, but who cares now, they are happily fat, enjoying an All-American lifestyle?

The goal again is to be not too anything, because things change.

The way people look is very fluid, we ought to see that, get it?

But, seriously, if I wanted to attract a certain type I would find out what appeals to them and become it. It's not too hard if you set your mind to it. Then, there is the philiosphy of just being yourself and whomever flocks to that is worth trapping.

I heard a very cute comnercial this morning about killing ants by figuring out what they want, and then,  attracting them and using their reflex to kill them.

Time to get shoes on, cause our feet need protection.

Monday, January 4, 2016

Keep it in the oven

You know when you are baking things without directions, how you tend to use smell more? I heard a guy tell un a class how his wife was the best cook in the whole world. She KNEW things were proper by smell. Sometimes people use thermometers or toothpicks, etc. We all want to judge the readiness.

I applied this in a strange way to my life. I was thinking about things I wanted and how they needed to be cooked properly, and Sure I always wished I could get what I want RIGHT NOW, because the oven is a bit difficult. But, I want to be ready to comeout, and if I had the thing I want too soon, I would not have been happy.

Everyday, I am learning key things that serve to make me glad that I did not get that wish yet.

I was so mad at Jane Eyre when I was younger cause she was so stupid and left Mr. Rochester when obviously they were in love. But, now, I see the sense of it. She was much wiser than I could even comprehend yet.

Likewise, I was irate with Anne Shirley when she did not marry the Harris dude, but, I learned another thing there, too.

Line upon line. We are different people than we were yesterday even.And I just grasped the thing many already knew, that it is not over yet, and I would rather endure and be done properly than get what I want RIGHT NOW.

If you followed that thought then this one will make sense, if not, sorry. This was such a cool thing that I want to remember.

We were talking about how we actually do believe that we have a purpose to live here. We had that purpose before we got our bodies and we would have it until we actually reached that "end". Hah. Now, I can answer the question what is that end we are supposed to endure to.

A person had genuine questions about this becoming like God thing. And, one helpful answer was that every parent hopes their child grows up to be like them. We provide opportunities and encourage it actually. Similarly, trying to become like God is now is not blasphemous it is exaltation.

"Be ye therefore perfect...." often, we are told the word perfect means complete. So, to be finished we need more time in the oven, right?