Friday, July 1, 2022

Norwegian settlers?

Not sure if any of this is verifiable, because records had been deleted, and digital evidence is so easily tampered with anyhow...

But, as I was looking at a totally (interesting choice of my next word) unrelated records, I read in a little blurb that had not yet been overwritten, that some dude and his pregnant wife were among the first settlers of the Netherlands. I believe it ought to have said New Netherlands. Still, this fella had the moniker of "The Norwegian". Although, my family had him recorded as being Dutch, as I am finding quite often. Often enough to cause this wacky new theory that Holland had been settled by Norwegians. After all, they settled Iceland, and Greenland and well, who knows where else we have not yet uncovered. Which is curious that niw that my Ethnicities have become more focused I have a significant amount of lingering DNA in common with Norwegians all through my father, though. When. I had assumed it all came through my mother's Scottish side but, another very confusing thing my son explained it as that though I have inherited traits from my one parent's lineage, it is possible that both patents share that lineage. Wouldn't be unheard of..."The Wilkes' always marry their cousins"(GWTW). I also found an interesting family tree of which I  skeptical because I would not have just stumbled upon it on my own.This family tree had several DNA matches along each branch. It was Native American, yeah, weird. I end up being skeptical again of my DNA. 
When I shared my doubts with my son, he quickly made sense of it through a random recombination that happened to match all of these people. But due to the matches, and their proximity I think more of time travel,  maybe I am their ancestor or something... but the most troubling of my rants is that one site matches.genetic fingerprint in East Asia in around 1700. No real explanation for that one yet, listed confidence of accuracy is 99%.

Friday, May 27, 2022

well aged love

I have been noticing how a common motif seems to pop up everywhere, like people are living long enough to realize that love has two-sides. When we were young love was very self-centered. Now, gradually, oh! Maybe it has never changed, I am simply becoming aware of something always known by enlightened others  but, for whatever reason, it seems like a relegation that love MUST go both ways. In order to be IN  love it is not enough to adore something, but to be adorable as well.

Monday, May 16, 2022


In attempt to record many thoughts, I will not go into any details.

First marriage was like a nicotine patch. Bit, mom told us not to even be seen with candy cigarettes because the are the appearance of evil.

Golum is likely inclined with the ring, hence he can speak to himself and yet, even he loves himself. Ego. But, as all romantic truth it was killed at the same time so knowing anything about it is speculative.

Perhaps a glimpse of unity is gained through marriage. By that I mean, our true nature's as part of the other, and families as the only sure way to be sure none are left behind.

The obsession with being what is wanted is pointless.

Friday, May 6, 2022

nuggets of information

In a discussion of the movie "the Northman" a scene was mentioned about spattering blood in various places in the temple, instantly I thought of the way blood was used in the tabernacle (made by the descendants of Israel), and it supported my notions of everything being the same only different to cause similar realizations among different people.

(UPDATE: I was reading about a knit pattern in the new "Great American Aran Afghan" book I received for Mother's day. I expressed a desire for it to do a pattern named "The Tree of Life" this was something that was so multi cultural, that because it appeared so frequently, it had to be partially true. The Author of it was Ada Fenick who mentioned that she designed this pattern for her friend who is Jewish and married a guy who was Irish and both cultures, though different in many ways, shared this common icon. Interesting as this was the very point that attracted me to the pattern in the first place...It reminded me of Yggdrasill spoken of in Norse mythology as well. Could there be some important truth here to discover that had to do with family Trees as well? Just a thought) 

From fasting, I learned greater appreciation of the food we are given. I felt compelled to offer a prayer of Thanksgiving, did I recognize a thing taken for granted? I hope it is not so hard for my children to come by food,  but I might start denying them so frequent snacking. Would they appreciate what they can have at mealtime and thus eat better? Going to try it.

Tuesday, April 12, 2022

see if I can be quick about this

After about 5 different opinions as to my genetic ancestry...all of them together have overlapped in certain areas and theories, so maybe that much has had enough "witnesses" to make it true.

I am almost perfectly divided between Scandinavian and Celtic. One site called me Germanic, another simply European, with a tinge of Slavic, or Asian which is not common for most Europeans. Well, folks, I am definitely 100% American.

Thursday, March 24, 2022

Questions answered by last DNA test

I was most excited to get my results from the most recent DNA test. Infact, I had spent all of my money on it, and that means it was how I chose to spend what little Christmas money I had.

Previously, I was speculating on how on earth I could have DNA matches in Iceland and Greenland, so I decided that it had to come from my Scottish and Norwegian/Swedish/Danish ancestry. but, while I was researching, I stumbled on a video that commented about mysteries and how they were solved when determining ethnicity results. One comment was that when your results do not have a clear match it is assumed that they are of a type they have little to no knowledge of... I felt so much relief that at east mine was an educated guess and easy to believe. Though, as I studied more I discovered that Greenlanders often crossed path with "Scrawlings" and because my haplogroups were clearly traceable to everwhere but Greenland, perhaps that match was from some native American.

But, I self-concluded after study of RAW DNA files that the website had been correct in so many "assumptions" because archeomatches had been so close in genetic distance (Centimorgans) that those matches were more that my ethnicity they were my direct ancestors. But, how could I have descended from an island way far away? Likewise, why did I have so many matches here in Utah? my intellectual side decided that it was more likely that a name was found on records and appropriated as a common ancestor, so I decided to get to the bottom of this, and not simply accept that I was right because my paper trail said so. I took another DNA test.

This new test did not say I was from Iceland or Greenland, but from America (Aztec to be precise). Ok, I knew that was likely, and almost everything I had known prior was supported, and this testing company had no way of knowing what to conclude. Uh, so why Aztec? with minor bits of Asian and Finland. That old comment came back to mind about how when results were undefinable, they were given a category that the tester knows little to nothing of. Perhaps this is the case.

I was watching a video where the explorer was  trying to find out if some claims in Wisconsin were false that claimed to be a previous Aztec home, and the video was quite persuasive that the Aztec origin came from Canada and the US. One way was the word Michigan. Where I was born and raised was highly Um, Native American, our school was the Red Skins. The town where I lived had an Indian name, and we went on an elementary school field trip to the Picture rocks in Pitoski, or somewhere. The female bathroom said "Squaws", (not really evidence of anything, just a funny memory I wanted to include).

My mother had a more easy solution for how I would have this Aztec heritage, when they came to America, Spouses were taken back to the nobility and married off in Spain. The Iberian/Basque/French heritage is definite and found in each and every sibling, and easy to comprehend.

Maybe I ought to do an advertisement for CRI Genetics, because they have supported the veracity even in things that are not identical to previous tests. I feel like they are probably correct even though I do not actually know how they determined that I had Aztec Roots, and I have not yet figured it out, myself, but I will and I conclude that because of the results of this recent DNA test, I have one more piece to a puzzle that I have nothing but expectations will be solved.

Monday, January 3, 2022


Warning: this will most likey be the most useless thought that I have ever shared. as I was watching a video where a cleaning ritual took place, I got all thoughtful and stuff. Each person cupped up water as a basin traveled from person to persn. I first thought, hmm, it must be a honor to be first, because after like the third or furth person I actually cringed at the thought of using water that was left over from previous users... they would swish water in theuir mouths and blow their noses in this "cleaning" basin, and at first I thought how wonderful they are exposing how such filfthy men kept themselves cleanish...which always is a thing I wondered about. but as I was being grossed out I thought a rebuking thought, "Yeah, well, it is not lke bathing in shared water." Admitedly, baths had always upset me, most of all hair washing. that was a thing that ought not even be attempted unless showering. I think of all of the gross dirt and oils in the water, and it makes no sense that you had previously washed your body in the same water, ok, ok, but this thought was referring more to how unhytgenic it is to swim with others, but we use chlorine, and take showers before swimming. " oh, you do, do you?" the thought chidded, and suddenly the Icelandic way of pre-swim showering nude made more sense, and I topped that thought off with the memory of Moana saying, "... Fish pee in you all day..." or how divers stay warm in semidry suits by peeing in the suit. I have actually doe it, and I dare to be grossed out by this communal basin ritual?